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Press Releases


February 16, 2021

RALEIGH, N.C. - A broad coalition of immigrants’ rights organizations condemns yesterday’s introduction of Senate Bill 101 (SB 101) at the North Carolina General Assembly. The proposed legislation appears to be a copycat of HB 370, a failed 2019 bill that would have required local sheriff officers to interrogate individuals about their immigration status and assist federal agents in detentions and deportations. Gov. Cooper vetoed HB 370 in August 2019, and it did not become law. Advocates call on legislators to advance inclusive policies that keep our communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, not harmful anti-immigrant proposals that create fear.

“This bill would harm North Carolinians by placing public health and safety at risk during a pandemic, harming struggling essential businesses, and spreading fear within immigrant communities,” said Nayeli Garcia, Community Leader at El Pueblo. “Now more than ever, lawmakers need to put public health at the forefront of policy decisions.”

People in North Carolina detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are often held in regional detention centers such as the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia. Centers like Stewart Detention Center are notorious for having poor conditions and lacking basic healthcare to protect the people detained there.

“Under this law, more North Carolinians will be held in unsafe conditions at a time when jails and detention centers are a hub for COVID-19 outbreaks,” said Stefania Arteaga, Acting Regional Immigrants' Rights Strategist for the ACLU of North Carolina. “The spread of the virus will only increase with more people in crowded jails and detention centers, potentially affecting staff, their families, and by extension, all of North Carolina. This legislation would not make our communities safer. It would put them in danger.”

The coalition of advocacy and community organizations steadfastly opposes all efforts that force local sheriff’s offices to cooperate with ICE. Many sheriffs across the state have already taken steps to distance their offices from ICE.

“Our communities are stronger when we stand together,” said Sandro Mendoza of Acción Política Latina. “We deserve better from our legislature than these hateful proposals which would harm our families and our neighbors.”

SB 101 appears to be a retaliatory effort aimed at rolling back local policies that recognize the dignity of everyone in our communities, including immigrants. The coalition urges all elected officials to stand against any legislation that would lead to thousands more deportations and force collaboration between sheriffs' departments across North Carolina and ICE.

The organizations within the coalition voicing opposition to SB 101 include:

Acción Política Latina

ACLU of North Carolina

Always Ready 2 Fight (ARF) Reentry Resources

Ángel Guardián

Asociación Dominicana de Raleigh (ADORA)

Association of Mexicans in North Carolina, Inc. (AMEXCAN)

Carolina Migrant Network

Comite de Accion Popular

Comité Popular Somos Raleigh

Compañeros Inmigrantes de las Montañas en Acción

Comunidad Colectiva

Comunidad Vida Nueva

El Colectivo NC

El Pueblo

FaithAction International House

Fayetteville PACT

Fortaleza NC

Fuerza y Unión Múltiple

Hendfact Henderson Fuerza Activa.

Hispanic Federation

Hispanic Liaison / El Vínculo Hispano

Just Futures Law

Momma’s Village-Fayetteville

Mujerxs Organizando Oportunidades Notables


NC Poor People's Campaign

North Carolina Asian Americans Together

SEAC Village

Sheriffs for Trusting Communities

Siembra NC

Voto Latino Chatham

Immigrants’ Rights Alliance of North Carolina Calls on Legislators to Reject Anti-Immigrant Bills

SB 101 and HB 62 advance through Senate and House Committees

March 9, 2021

RALEIGH, N.C. - Earlier today, the Senate Committee on Judiciary at the N.C. General Assembly gave approval to Senate Bill 101 (SB 101),  an anti-immigrant "show me your papers" bill that circumvents the local authority of sheriffs by requiring them to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and assist in the federal government’s deportation pipeline or face criminal charges. SB 101 is similar to HB 370, which was vetoed by Gov. Cooper in 2019 and failed to become law.

Also today, the House Judiciary 1 Committee approved a proposed committee substitute (PCS) of House Bill 62 (HB 62)--another bill intended to punish sheriffs, counties, or municipalities that do not collaborate with ICE--by allowing anyone in the state to file a lawsuit against a county or municipality for allegedly violating North Carolina's anti-sanctuary law. 

After the committee hearing, the Alianza de derechos de los Inmigrantes de Carolina del Norte (AICN), which translates to the Immigrants' Rights Alliance of North Carolina, released the following statement:

“Especially during a pandemic, North Carolinians expect lawmakers to improve the safety and wellbeing of our neighbors and communities. However, this legislation would put people at greater risk of COVID-19, spread fear among families, and fan the flames of hate against immigrant community members. 

“We strongly urge the N.C. legislature to reject SB 101 and HB 62. North Carolinians deserve better from their elected officials than these divisive and harmful proposals.”

